Customised sheet metal of the highest quality
De Cromvoirtse is an industry leader in supplying the highest quality metalworking (for stainless steel, aluminium, and other types of steel). We offer a wide range of processing options, including cutting metal to size, bending, finishing and much more. We cut metal sheeting with the highest precision to perfectly suit your needs. Our strength lies in our ultrafast delivery times, so your steel plates will be available on location when you need them. Every day, we work towards improving our product quality and level of service. Our ultimate goal is to achieve a streamlined, effective production process for fabricating made-to-measure metal products so that our customers can focus on their own production. Our automated ordering process makes purchasing metal sheeting cut to size more straightforward than ever.
Made-to-measure metal products with precision
Over the past 42 years, our metalworking business has grown into an important, reliable partner for the entire Dutch metalworking industry. We could not have achieved this without listening to our customers and investing in what our customers need at the right time. We ensure that all our processes are automated to the highest level, so our machines can immediately get to work customising the required metal as soon as an order comes in. Purchasing custom-sized sheet metal at De Cromvoirtse is simple: customers can order their made-to-measure metal and steel products day and night through our online portal. Would you prefer to contact us personally? Our staff will be happy to help you with your customised metalworking order or quote request so that you can have your customised metal sheeting, or products such as aluminium or steel plates, delivered to your doorstep in no time.